Cell C Termination Notice

CellC to cancel fixed LTE

We would like to inform you of the latest LTE update from Cell C.

Network provider, Cell C, has recently announced the termination of their fixed LTE services, which will be affecting all resellers such as ourselves. Cell C will be terminating all 100GB and 200GB Fixed LTE services at the end of November 2019.

In light of this announcement, and without the need to terminate your services, we will be transferring all of our LTE clients to super-fast MTN LTE SIM packages. 

Clients using the 20GB and 50GB Cell C packages will be offered the same deal when their current service is terminated, and will remain active until March 2020.

Considering the above, we believe now is the perfect time to assess your satisfaction with your LTE services and if you would like to upgrade or top up.

For more information on LTE, please click here or contact our support team at support@3gi.co.za
